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Women Empowerment Volunteer Journey

Women Empowerment program works towards better welfare and social development of girls and women from poor areas within the capital city slums and rural areas of Uganda. Many of these women come from very poor family backgrounds and have low levels or no education at all with the utmost need for support. Volunteers can make a big difference in these women by sharing love and warmth.

Participants/volunteers who choose to work for women’s volunteer journey in Uganda need to be highly determined and understanding. They would be required to adjust to the situations and share knowledge that they possess with these women. Volunteering among women in Uganda is of great importance as it can bring about a paradigm change in this gender section.

Making them aware of global trends, and helping them learn a skill that can help them become independent. This is the ultimate objective of this volunteer Journey in Uganda. Volunteers interested in making a difference in Girls and women’s lives would find this project fulfilling and rewarding.

If you want to change a culture, empower women, improve basic hygiene and health care, to fight high rates of infant mortality, the answer is to educate girls.

Vast Explorers therefore, understands that the future of many communities lies in the hands of empowered female leaders. Who may share their knowledge in the community’s best interests? We believe in equal opportunities for women in Uganda. Therefore we have created a variety of projects which assist women to overcome current adversity. To not only survive but thrive in society.

The main Objective of the Women Empowerment Journey

Working towards women empowerment and enabling them to pursue healthy sustainable livelihoods. Vast Explorers works with local communities to promote gender equality, help women overcome difficult circumstances, and empower them to reach their full potential, through five key programs:

  • Education (literacy) — rights and life skills
  • Saving and micro-credit through cooperative groups
  • Income generative skills training — agricultural and non-agricultural products
  • Women’s health and maternity education
  • Teaching English language for young women

Through this program, volunteers have a chance to assist in women’s empowerment. By boosting literacy and health education, providing income generation tips, microcredit loans education (Literacy), Rights and life skills, saving and credit – micro-credit through cooperatives, income generative skills training, women’s health, and maternity education, teaching the English language to young women, help with small business skills.

We see the rise in quality of life for the women as fundamental to positive development for Uganda as a whole by providing women with the tools to be at the helm of their future successes.

Many challenges within the community stem from the fact that educated men tend to leave their communities to find work, while women stay home. A locally based women empowerment program has the potential to transform these women into powerful forces within their community.

Volunteer tasks under Women Empowerment program

  • Our volunteers assist these two groups in different ways, depending upon their needs. Typical volunteer activities under the women empowerment volunteering program in Uganda include;
  • Teaching English language to the young women.
  • Training women small finance groups on proper account keeping.
  • To lead activities that teach/train life skills, e.g. leadership skills, decision making, problem solving, communication skills, coping with stress, etc.
  • Participating in and initiating awareness raising activities in various issues.
  • Develop small grant proposals to fund women’s empowerment programs.
  • Work with women in their farms.
  • Arrange activities that improve self-confidence and educational development.
  • Research and conduct case studies on women empowerment programs,
  • Teach and promote women rights.
  • Work with Vast Explorers local staff to train women.
  • Help teach arts and crafts.
  • Help explore possible market for women’s products.
  • Write about success stories, but keeping a critical viewpoint.
  • Help the NGOs with work on various different projects.
  • Provide support in IT related work; such as website update, social media, typing and maintaining of records.
  • Work with women to teach them skills such as sewing, painting, cooking, computer and other skills which can help them in their daily lives.
  • Provide counseling and monitoring.
  • Provide guidance for nutritional and wholesome diet.
  • Research for funding agencies and raise funds for local projects

Volunteer Requirements

  • At least 20 years or older at the start of the program.
  • Have an open mind and flexible attitude towards working in new and different environments.
  • Prepared to do some manual work during their placement.

Please note: as a volunteer you do not need to be qualified or experienced in order to participate in the women empowerment program. However, we will be very happy to welcome volunteers with special expertise.

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